Each studio will be invited to enter at least one routine for the Improv Challenge (if room in the schedule allows, additional spots to studios will be offered). In this performance opportunity, dancers choose a genre and we choose the music! Dancers have 1 minute, 15 seconds to demonstrate their musicality and dance ability. The Improv Challenge is open to solos, duos/trios, or groups, and is offered at a special rate per dancer. Dancers can choose to improv in the genres of lyrical, contemporary, hip hop, tap, ballet or jazz, and will be awarded a score of one, two or three crowns. The highest scoring dancer will be crowned the Improv Champion.
The Royal Dance Competition recognizes the beauty of a dancer through our special photogenic award. Dancers are invited to submit either 5x7, 8x10 or digital photos to be considered for our Photogenic Challenge. Winners are chosen at each event in the 12 & under and the 13 & older age divisions. Winners receive trophies and their photos may be used in TRDC promotional material following the event. Entries can be registered and submitted prior to the competition, or at the check-in table at the event.
Singers and vocalists are welcome on the TRDC stage along with dancers! Performers wishing to showcase their singing talent can register for The Royal Dance Competition’s vocal competition. Vocal entries can be solos, duo/trios or groups (all sizes combined) and all levels compete against each other. Available vocal genres include ballad, uptempo, broadway or monologue, and winners are chosen in the 12 & under and 13 & older age groups.
(Please see Rules and Regulations for further information)
The Royal Dance Competition offers a unique opportunity for routines with special-needs dancers, or for routines that are more focused on portraying a message or story rather than on competing against other routines or seeking a specific score. The Royal Performance category was created for just this need. Routines participating as a “Royal Performance” will still receive video commentaries, but the judges will not be critiquing. Instead, they will focus on the positive aspects of the routines and offer encouragement, recognition and praise. All routines participating in the Royal Performance will receive a trophy plus pins/ribbons for all participants (for routines with 2+ performers).